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    Scientechnic attends Hannover’24

    Principles from Scientechnic attended Hannover’24 and had a great experience visiting exclusive partner Siemens at their booth.

    Tanveer Ahmed Shabandri, CEO – Easa Saleh Al Gurg Commercial & Industrial Group of companies (ECIG), Suresh Babu Nair, Senior VP, Stewart Skariah, VP and Arvind Dhanapal, Manager – Digitalization from Scientechnic Industrial Stock Sales and Jalaluddin Syed, VP – Scientechnic Energy Management attended the Hannover exhibition held in Germany.

    Hannover Messe is a leading industrial trade fair that brings companies from mechanical and electrical engineering, digital and energy sectors together, to present solutions for a high-performance and sustainable industry. Held annually, it has more than 4,000 companies interconnecting as one industrial ecosystem, highlighting how climate neutrality can be

    achieved through electrification, digitalization and automation.

    At the event, Siemens showcased the cutting-edge technologies they offer, especially, Industry 4.0 solutions, highlighting a revolutionary concept – ‘the digital twin’.

    Together, Siemens and Scientechnic aims at helping businesses accelerate their digital transformation and overcome operational challenges, streamline process, monitor and maintain asset performance, enable predictive and prescriptive analytics, thereby improving overall productivity and performance in a sustainable manner.

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